The Importance of Colour Harmony

Elegance, style and balance. When looking at a well-designed piece, whether it is a logo, a website or a painting, it is all about the colours. In designing, picking colours for a piece is not necessarily just about what the designer thinks looks good. Countless amounts of research have shown that people are affected byContinueContinue reading “The Importance of Colour Harmony”

Chronically Me #4: Buses and Bus People

(**Shout out to all you OC Transpo users! Seriously though I have encountered this everywhere not just Ottawa…stay safe**) I think buses will be the death of me. Specifically the bus I take to and from college. And to clarify, I don’t mean being hit by a bus Mean Girls style. I mean actually gettingContinueContinue reading “Chronically Me #4: Buses and Bus People”
