Thrift in France, Antiques & Vintage

Last post I shared the realities of what it is like to live in a French farmhouse, but now for something different. Time to share more of what it is actually like to live in la belle Manche, what I get up to in my spare time, and the general lifestyle of the slow frenchContinueContinue reading “Thrift in France, Antiques & Vintage”

Annoville Dunes

Annoville Dunes, a nature reserve hidden on the west coast of the Manche Peninsular!

Why Visit Domfront

In today’s post we are looking at one of my favourite spots year-round – Domfront.

La Baie de Mont Saint Michel

Known to be the fairytale castle of Northern France, Mont Saint Michel is not just an icon. The surrounding area is equally fascinating. Learn a brief history of the mount, as well as La Baie de Mont Saint Michel in this post. Find More Normandy posts here: Why Travel to La Baie de Mont SaintContinueContinue reading “La Baie de Mont Saint Michel”

Moving to Normandy, First Impressions

As requested by like one person… Here’s my first blog about moving from Canada as a white girl to Rural as heck Normandy. Hold onto your hats as it’s windy here and always raining. Here is my take o Moving to Normandy. Moving to Normandy January. New year, new me. That’s how it goes right?ContinueContinue reading “Moving to Normandy, First Impressions”
