Normal Canadian Things I Find Weird #3

And so the saga continues. After being introduced to various aspects of coffee in Europe, see back to my Café and the Continent Post, I thought it may be good to share my thoughts on the Canada Coffee culture as its certainly…. different. *** Normal Canadian Things I Find Weird #3 Canadian Coffee Culture Ordering CoffeeContinueContinue reading “Normal Canadian Things I Find Weird #3”

Normal Canadian Things I Find Weird #2

After getting positive feedback on my potty post, I thought I would continue my series of awkward britishness abroad and bring you the second of the series….. *** Normal Canadian Things I Find Weird #2 Precipitants So I found a definition of precipitants on the Met Office website and now am slightly alarmed:  The definitionContinueContinue reading “Normal Canadian Things I Find Weird #2”

2 Months of Canadiana Living

To be truthful it’s been very hard to put into words the transition of Europe to North America, so apologies for the delay, and enjoy this rambling read… As a Brit moving to Canada didn’t seem that much of a move from the U.K. Oh how I was proven wrong. Of course the normal things ofContinueContinue reading “2 Months of Canadiana Living”
